Welches Ranch, Welches Oregon

Here’s a great early view of the old Welches Ranch at Welches Oregon.

This view is after Sam had gone. You can see the store, post office, the dance hall and the white canvas tourist tents lined up along the road to the left of the Welch home. Billy’s cow pasture, which is now the golf course at the resort, is at the left side while his orchard can be seen on the right side of the photo.

When this photo was taken there was only a sign out at the Barlow Road, where the modern shopping center is presently located, directing people to turn south and drive to Welches Ranch one mile away.

Snowplow on Mt Hood Loop Highway

Snowplow on Mt Hood Loop Highway circa 1950-ish. The winters of 1949-1951 were big snow season’s on Mount Hood.

This scene is most likely on the road to Timberline Lodge.

Let’s Preserve the Old Mt. Hood Highway as a Trail, and Build 2 …
Aug 18, 2015 Parts of the long-abandoned Mt. Hood Loop Highway near Government Camp in Oregon should be preserved for both recreational and historic …

To Mount Hood – Through Oregon’s Lolo Pass Road

Ford Times August 1958 – To Mount Hood Through Oregon’s Lolo Pass

Here’s a great story from 1958 about driving through Oregon’s Lolo Pass Road back when it first opened. It tells about how, after it was determined that the area was not a part of the Bull Run Lake watershed, the road was built in 1955 opened to the public from Spring until Fall for fantastic views of  Mount Hood’s west side.

Lolo Pass, Mt Hood Oregon – AllTrips
Rugged, scenic Lolo Pass crosses visitors over Oregon’s Cascade Mountain Range near breathtaking Mt. Hood on a route once traversed by Oregon Trail …

Oneonta Bluff and Tunnel

Oneonta Bluff prior to The Construction of the Historic Columbia River Highway

Here’s a rare view of Oneonta Bluff and the old railway bed prior to the construction of the Historic Columbia River Highway.

Oneonta Bluff and Railroad Tracks

Once construction of the road took place the construction of the tunnel allowed automobile passage through the basalt promontory. In time increased traffic and larger cars and trucks necessitated the relocation of the railroad and the highway to allow the cars to bypass the tunnel altogether. The tunnel was filled in 1948.

Oneonta Gorge Tunnel

Covered up and virtually forgotten, many people would stand on the old bridge that seemed to direct traffic directly into a solid rock wall.

In 2009, as a part of the restoration of the remaining segments of the old road, the tunnel was excavated and restored, including the wooden cribbing and rock facades.

Today the old tunnel is a pedestrian passage and witness to the old Columbia River’s history.

Columbia River Highway at Oneonta Gorge

The Ivy Bear at Alder Creek

The Rise, Fall, and Revival of the Ivy Bear: A Highway 26 Landmark 

For decades, travelers along U.S. Highway 26 in Oregon have been greeted by an unusual roadside landmark—the towering Ivy Bear at Alder Creek. This massive, vine-covered structure has a history as unique as the man who built it. From its origins as a tribute to a beloved pet to its dramatic collapse and eventual revival, the Ivy Bear remains a cherished piece of Mount Hood history.

The Man Behind the Bear 

The story of the Ivy Bear begins with Gerald Wear, a skilled craftsman, dog trainer, and builder who lived in Alder Creek, Oregon. Wear, who was deaf, was known for his ingenuity and love of animals. In addition to training German Shepherds, he took care of a pet bear, which he kept in a cage near the roadside. The bear entertained travelers who stopped along the two-lane highway, becoming an unofficial mascot of the area. 

However, as the story goes, the bear’s love for handouts—particularly candy bars, soda pop, and bottle caps—led to its untimely death. Heartbroken, Wear decided to honor his beloved bear by constructing a larger-than-life ivy-covered statue in its memory. 

Building the Largest Ivy Structure in the World 

In 1947, Wear began constructing the Ivy Bear. Using a wooden frame and chicken wire, he planted ivy around the structure, which eventually covered its entire surface. The project took more than a year to complete. 

At the time, it was considered the largest ivy-covered structure in the world. Travelers passing through Alder Creek soon became accustomed to seeing the massive bear standing watch beside the road. Wear even added special touches to bring his creation to life—inside the bear was a rear door and scaffolding leading to its head. At night, he would climb inside and light up the bear’s eyes with candles, later replacing them with old Volkswagen taillights. 

A Growing Landmark 

Over the years, the Ivy Bear became more famous than the businesses on the property. Skiers heading to Mount Hood developed a tradition of saluting the bear for good luck. Wear continued to expand his creations, building houses and water wheels in the Alder Creek area. 

In 1972, Wear passed away, but the Ivy Bear remained, standing as a testament to his creativity and craftsmanship. 

June 1984: The Fall of the Ivy Bear 

For nearly 40 years, the Ivy Bear stood tall. However, time and weather eventually took their toll. On June 18, 1984, a light breeze was all it took for the aging wooden structure to collapse. The bear lurched forward and landed on its massive tin snout. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the wooden beams supporting the ivy had rotted at the base. 

Despite the relatively minor damage to its exterior, the bear could not stand on its own again. The loss of the Ivy Bear was felt throughout the community, with travelers slowing down or stopping along the highway to search for their missing roadside friend. Even the Portland Chamber of Commerce became involved, reaching out to the property’s owners in hopes of restoring the landmark. 

A Community Effort to Bring Back the Bear 

Recognizing the bear’s importance, local residents and organizations came together to bring it back. Ron Rhoades, owner of the Ivy Bear Restaurant at the time, along with Michael P. Jones from the Cascade Geographic Society and the the Friends of the Ivy Bear launched a fundraiser in 1987. Their mission: to rebuild the beloved structure. 

By 1990, enough money had been raised to reconstruct the Ivy Bear. This time, it was built with a steel frame to ensure its longevity. 

The Ivy Bear Stands Again 

The revival of the Ivy Bear was met with excitement from the community. Once again, there was hope that it would once again stand proudly along Highway 26, welcoming travelers and serving as a nostalgic reminder of Oregon’s roadside history. Today, it stands, albeit it a bit untrimmed, as a landmark to visitors of Mount Hood and a tribute to Gerald Wear’s vision, craftsmanship, and love for animals.  

The Oregon Ark Motel

April 17, 1985. The Oregon Ark Motel.

“Richard Lightbody, owner of Oregon Ark Motel, puts final touches on “ark” he is building out of bender boards, even though area has had fewer than 40 days of rain a year. He said ark was not meant to save souls but to attract attention to his motel on U.S. 26, which he has owned since June.”

Murder on Mount Hood

Murder on Mount Hood

When one thinks of Mount Hood they do not usually think of crime, especially such severe crimes as murder, but there is one story that is a part of Mount Hood’s past that should be told. The first murder on Mount Hood.  

The Oregon Trail had been active for about 40 years, with the Barlow Road becoming the main route to the Willamette Valley. The Barlow Road was a toll road with toll gates placed on the route to gather toll from the travelers. One toll gate keeper will be remembered as an integral part of Mount Hood’s cultural history. 

Perry Vickers

Perry Vickers was one of the first residents of the south side of Mount Hood, an area that today includes the little ski town of Government Camp. He was well liked by everyone in the area especially those who were passing over the south side of Mount Hood on the Barlow Road in their wagons. He had squatter’s rights at Summit Meadow, a natural clearing at the top of the pass as the road began to descend the west slope of Mount Hood and the last stretch before arriving at their destination in the Willamette Valley from points east. He built the first traveler’s accommodations in the area when he built the Summit House in Summit Meadow. He had a corralled field for grazing the stock as well as a series of buildings including a lodge, a store, and barns. 

Summit House at Summit Meadow with Mt Hood in the distance

During his time on Mount Hood Portland grew exponentially with the new settlers that poured into the Oregon country. A trend was to return to the mountain that held so many challenges to them and their families during the immigration to recreate. Perry Vickers was Mount Hood’s first climbing guide. Hiking and climbing the peak was very popular at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries. He was an enthusiastic promoter of early visitation and recreation on Mount Hood. He even created a tradition of illuminating the mountain by carrying fuel for a large fire near what is now known as Illumination Rock. He is attributed to being the first person to spend a night on the top of Mount Hood. 

Summit Meadow Campers

Perry Vickers was described as a dreamer and a poet. The Oregon Historical Society has some of his verses of sunrises and sunsets and of his beloved mountain. He did not start out his residence in Oregon on quite a solid footing. His early days here are said to have been troublesome. Perry Vickers arrived in Vancouver Washington in 1865. As he was looking for work, he fell into the company of three other young strangers in a seemingly similar situation. As it turned out their situation was different to his. 

As he was in the company of his three new friends military officers from Fort Vancouver arrested the group and charged them with horse theft, quite a serious crime back then. They were held for about two months as they awaited trial, each wearing what was referred to as an “Oregon Boot,” a seven-pound iron clevis that was worn on an ankle to impede any progress of escape similar to a steel ball and chain. 

Fort Vancouver Washington

As they were arrested together, held together in the same cell, and although unsure of the guilt of his cellmates, he was sure that he would be found guilty by association. He felt that he needed to escape. Their cell was made of wood and so in time the method was created for the breakout. Several 2″x4″ wooden window bars were removed, and the group escaped into the night. Once Vickers was away, he separated from his undesirable companions as he heard activity indicating that their escape had been discovered. Still weighed down by his Oregon Boot, he stumbled his way away from the fort toward the Columbia River. The sounds of those in pursuit became louder and he soon found himself about to be surrounded as he stood on the bank of the river.

His ankle was becoming chaffed and painful, and he tried for a moment to find a way to pry off the iron implement around his ankle. As the sounds of pursuit became louder, he knew that he had only one choice, to attempt to swim the mile wide and swift Columbia River. It is not sure how he learned to swim, but he indeed made it to the other side still carrying the weight of his seven-pound clevis attached to his ankle. 

Once across the river he came across a small farm where he was able to find some tools to remove the iron device. He found an old wagon wheel wrench that he used as a hammer and a bolt to use as a punch to remove the pin that held it together. The next morning, he came across some wood cutters who fed him and gave him directions to Powell Valley where his brother lived. Once there his brother gave him clothes and supplies and advised him to head to Eastern Oregon by way of the Barlow Road and seek work until things cooled down for him. 

Rhododendron Tollgate on the Barlow Trail

As he headed east, he came across Stephen Coalman, the one who oversaw maintaining the old Barlow Road. He told Vickers that he would be hiring help to clear the road after the Winter storm’s damage. That June he went to work for Coalman and developed a lifelong friendship. Stephen Coalman and his son Elijah “Lige” Coalman became legendary on Mount Hood for their many adventures. Stephen Coalman had said that through time Vickers proved that his character was not one of a horse thief and was convinced that Vickers was a victim of circumstances. 

That June the crew set up camp at Summit Meadow and Vickers took time to explore the area from there to the timberline level of Mount Hood. Thrilled by his hikes he swore that he would climb to the top of the mountain. 

Government Camp Oregon

Vickers took the job of gatekeeper on the eastern entrance to the old road, away from the chance of being recognized as a fugitive. In time his friend Stephen Coalman persuaded him to return to the west side of Mount Hood, assuring him that if needed he would secure legal services to defend the horse stealing charges if necessary. 

No charges were ever brought against Vickers, but on his trips to the west side he fell in love with the area, especially the area around the summit meadows right under the looming view of the south side of Mount Hood. He envisioned a business. One that would help travelers as they passed through. He filed for a squatter’s claim at Summit Meadow and went to work on the buildings there between his work on the old toll road. 

Perry Vickers Summit House

By 1866 work on the Summit House was underway. It was a large building, 20x20x32 feet with a huge fireplace at one end and sleeping quarters upstairs and spacious cooking arrangements. He built all the furniture from natural materials. In the Spring of 1868, he opened the Summit House as soon as the snow melted, and the road was cleared. He provided food for travelers as well as their livestock, spaces for camping and in many cases insisting in having folks in for a meal. 

An enduring story is told of a day when a group of wagons came to Summit Meadow in 1882. A baby boy from one of the parties, the Barclay family, was ill and died at the meadow. Vickers granted permission for the baby to be buried at the meadow. The little graveyard and headstone are still there today. 

For many years Vickers resided at Summit Meadows and helped countless travelers that passed by and hundreds of people to the top of the mountain, until one day in August of 1893 when a man named Steele, a farm hand near the Columbia Slough, stole his employer’s shotgun and headed east. Few more details are known, but the Multnomah County Sheriff was called, and two men were deputized, one being the owner of the stolen gun a man named Roarke and sent after Steele. 

Sandy Oregon

The deputies reached Eagle Creek and had to have their Multnomah County warrant re-issued in Clackamas County, where they learned that Steele had traded the shotgun for a Sharps rifle. They reached the town of Sandy where the weather turned bad. They stayed only long enough to buy a bottle of whiskey and then they went on their way. The two men reached the town of Salmon, near the present town of Brightwood where they met local resident John McIntyre who owned a trading post there. It was then that one of the deputies decided to return home as he became ill. At that time John McIntyre was deputized and the two men proceeded to travel east toward Summit Meadow. 

Salmon River Hotel at Salmon Oregon

Once the men reached Summit Meadow and Perry Vickers’ Summit House, Vickers advised them that Steele had stayed there the night before and he had judged him to be an unsavory character and said that he knew nothing of the gun theft. He also told them that he had mentioned that he was going to camp at White River, further to the north and east from where they were. Because the deputies had drank some of their whiskey Vickers told them that he would advise them to get some sleep and to proceed in the daytime. He also thought that they would be at a disadvantage in the dark. Roarke insisted that they push on into the night. Vickers told them that they would eat and then he would go with them after Steele. 

With Vickers deputized the men mounted their horses and, because of his familiarity of the area, Vickers took the lead. The group made it to the White River Trading Post which was operated by a man named Gray and his family. It was there beyond the buildings that the men spotted a campfire. They figured that it was Steele. Being concerned for the condition of his companions, and because he was equipped with a set of Colt Revolvers, Vickers volunteered to proceed toward the fire while the other two stood back to provide back up in case of trouble. 

Vickers rode toward the campfire that would make the two horsemen barely visible in the background and confirmed that it was indeed Steele. Steele was aroused as Vickers approached and appeared to come forward to talk. Vickers went to dismount his horse and as he was in a helpless position Steele picked up the Sharps rifle and shot Vickers in the stomach. As he fell from the horse, he grabbed one of his revolvers but did not get off a shot before Steele disappeared into the darkness of the night. Vickers emptied his revolvers into the night, thought that he hit Steele, but this was never proven. 

Cornelius Gray heard the gunshots from his trading post, grabbed his rifle and came running. Two other men who were at the trading post as well as the two deputies got to Vickers who was on the ground in agonizing pain and mortally wounded. They took Vickers inside Gray’s home. 

Vickers claimed that he saw his companions come toward him, but not until after they drew away during the gunshots. The men claimed that their horses bolted from the shots. As he lay there, he confronted the two men, say that they were too experienced with guns and horses to believe them and that he claimed them to be cowards, this account being from Cornelius Gray. 

A rider was sent to get Stephen Coalman, Vickers’ best friend, but Vickers knew that he did not have much time. Vickers said that he had some laudanum at his place and that he had killed the pain in a lot of other people, and he said that no one will be able to help him much. Vickers died before his friend could return. 

Many of the locals from the era helped with his burial. Samuel Welch and Stephen Mitchell split the boards for his coffin. Oliver Yocum, the man who established the town of Government Camp officiated the ceremony. Perry Vickers was laid to rest in the little graveyard next to the baby Barclay, as were his last wishes. Their headstones can still be seen today at the west side of the meadow. 

Stephen Coalman kept Vickers blood-stained coveralls for years after with the hope that they may be used as evidence to convict Steele of Vickers’ murder. A couple of years later a horse thief was hanged in eastern Oregon that claimed that he had killed a man in the Cascade Mountains. It was assumed that this was Steele. Not long after that Stephen Coalman burned Vickers coveralls, closing a chapter of an era on Mount Hood, and the case of Mount Hood’s first murder. 

Perry Vickers Grave next to the baby Barclay at Summit Meadow

Protest at Timberline Lodge

Protest at Timberline Lodge – Unfair to skiers.

Timberline Lodge ‘s first Winter was a rocky one business wise.

“From W. P. Gray
The News-Telegram
Portland, Oregon

Two months after its dedication by President Roosevelt, Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood, Oregon, $650,000 structure built with WPA money, was picketed by skiers who demanded immediate opening of the lodge’s sanitary facilities to skiers. No operator has been found for the massive Alpine hostelry, and “keep out” signs bar all doors. A corporation of Portland business men is reportedly forming to open the lodge. The picketing skier above is Ken Soult.”

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